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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

How to Create an Active Setting

Want to take your setting from flat and forgettable to an emersion for your readers? In this blog, Michelle Conde offers ideas on how to do just that.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press


Feeling nervous about AI as as writer? Here are some tips to get more comfortable with it. Trust us. AI will never replace you.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press


“Alone we do so little; together we do so much.” -Helen Keller. As writers, we can do a lot on our own, but together, we can do so much more. We can inspire and teach each other. Through accessing, and contributing to, the collective wisdom, we move more quickly toward our individual writing goals. Read this short blog to see how you can join the collective wisdom of writers.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

Story Tellers

A Book is born. Thirty unique stories, histories, and experiences. On June 9th, something spectacular happened. The words I had loved on paper took on new power as—one by one— authors read excerpts from their work. Read more about the fabulous book launch.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press


POP (Phoenix Oasis Press LLC) is undergoing a transformation. Watch for details in early September. In the meantime, we’re looking for champions. Read this blog to find out what a champion is and how you can become one.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

Story Is Sound

When we write, we're recording sound. Ah, eh, and uh. Buh, and Tuh, and Vuh. To write something that communicates, we need to hear what readers will synthesize as they read. And we need to eliminate sound bumps. Read more of this blog to find where your tongue stumbles in your work.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press


This week POP’s 2023 anthology, Beyond Boundaries: Tales of Transcendence, launched on Amazon. Read this blog to see what we learned about the benefits of teamwork, the importance of shifting quickly from problem to solution, and how to transcend fear and frustration. Finally, in this blog, you get a peek at what we’re up to next.

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Phoenix Oasis Press Phoenix Oasis Press

Evil in Control

Guest Blogger, Ed Skinner offers tips for mapping out the antagonist’s plan to build tension in your story. “Every time the bad guys do something, the good gal is affected. She reacts. Sometimes, the bad guys may have to then change their plan. When that happens, put back on your black hat and figure out the new plan.”

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