Phoenix Oasis Press 2025 Anthology

Our third anthology is now in planning stages. Read on for all the details!

This year’s theme: Curiosity

Curiosity has killed the cat, started revolutions, landed us on the moon, fueled great love stories, and led heroes astray.

It's lightning in the dark, a magnetic pull, a magic doorway, and a social media rabbit hole leading where no one expected.

Ready to get curious?

Submission guidelines

Submissions accepted March 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025.

  • We accept fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry.

    • Fiction up to 3,000 words
    • Creative non-fiction up to 3,000 words
    • Poetry up to 40 lines

  • We do not accept previously published work, including if that work has been published on the author's social media channels, blog, or website.

  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but we kindly request that you notify us if your submission gets accepted elsewhere before we make our decisions.

    *As noted earlier we do not accept previously published work.

  • To submit, a writer needs to have an Arizona connection which may include any/or all of these categories:

    • Past or present resident

    • Attended an Arizona college, university, or other education program

    • Winter visitor or year round resident

    • Vacationed at least once somewhere in Arizona

    • Traveled through Arizona on the way to somewhere else

    • Have or had at least one family member living in Arizona

  • A fee per submission will apply. This fee is still being determined.

    Submission fees offset our costs to produce and promote the anthology.

    Any funds raised through anthology sales are put back into programming.

    Phoenix Oasis Press and the anthology team are 100% volunteer-based. We strive to offer low and no cost programming that makes generating, refining, and publishing work more accessible for Arizona writers.

  • The Anthology team is hosting a number of optional workshops leading up to the submission window for the 2025 Anthology.

    Workshops will cover the theme of curiosity, improving the quality of writing, formatting your work, beta reading and feedback, as well as oral presentation to a crowd.

    Workshops are free to attend.

    You are not REQUIRED to take any of the workshops.

  • Submissions accepted for publication receive a free author’s copy as payment.

  • Information on how to submit will be provided in January 2025.

Optional Zoom workshops to
help you hone your story.

  • Curiosity - 2025 Anthology Intro

    October 8, 2024 • 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

    Learn about the theme curiosity and take part in theme-based generative writing exercises. Resources, key dates, and more.

  • Aim high

    November 12, 2024 • 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

    We’re looking for your best writing, but what does that mean? We’ll tell you! Join for an exercise in ‘stunning sentences’ and an overview of literary awards on our radar.

  • Feedback & Polish

    January 14, 2025 - 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

    Feedback helps writers polish their work. Join this workshop for proofreading and beta reading support along with a small-group online critique component.

  • Formatting

    February, 11 2025 • 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

    Formatting matters, so we’re making it easy. Learn what we’re looking for format-wise, how to submit, and what to expect after submission.

  • Center stage

    May 13, 2025 • Time, venue, cost, TBD

    Optional, in-person workshop for those writers accepted into the 2025 anthology. Practice engaging an audience as you read your work using pitch, pace, projection.

    Workshop details will be announced in April 2025.

  • Anthology launch party

    August 2025 - Date & time TBD

    A free in-person event, 2025 anthology authors will have opportunity to read from their works at this community celebration in Phoenix, Arizona.

Get anthology updates

Fill out the form to be added to our 2025 Anthology Interest List. We’ll email updates about key information and dates, and you’ll be the first to know when submissions open.

*You’ll also be signed up for POP emails about upcoming programs and our monthly newsletter filled with writerly inspiration. #winwin!

Buy one of our previous anthologies and help
fuel programs that support the dreams of writers.

All book sales support POP’s ability to create and host low and no-cost programs and resources available to local writers.