"Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over." - Hal 9000, 2001: A Space Odyssey

Overnight the acronym AI (Artificial Intelligence) materialized and aroused terror in every writer’s mind. Had HAL of the 1968 Stanley Kubrick movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey escaped the bondage of time? Now, AI uses artificial neural networks to write natural-sounding sentences and paragraphs.

Sounds like an automated brain to me. That there would be more software to master was my greater concern.

Will AI Make Writers Obsolete?

Searching “Has AI made writers obsolete?” can reassure or frighten, depending on the link you click. Truthfully, writers have used AI in various forms since the introduction of computer writing software. I rely on Microsoft Word’s spell check and thesaurus, as well as punctuation and syntax tools. Grammarly and ProWriting Aid look over my shoulder as I compose, often suggesting rewording of complex and awkward or passive verb sentences and correcting my spelling as I write.

Wanting to dip my toe in the AI pool, I explored Chat-GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), one of the well-known AI writing tools. There are many, including Google’s Bard.


  • You can’t guarantee 100% original content: AI takes material from a vast database of online material. Therefore, what you find is not original and may be plagiarized.

  • Unpredictable results: Are you writing fiction, a business report, or a research paper? The software has no idea, so the material may be inappropriate for your needs.

  • Inadequate understanding of customer behavior: AI has no idea who your audience is.

  • Can’t write about facts or sensitive issues: In other words, fact-check all AI content.

 Trial Run: Famous Writers

For fun, I ran an idea through Chat GPT with different three instructions:

  • describe a rainstorm in the style of Garrison Keillor

  • describe a rainstorm in the style of Hemingway

  • describe a rainstorm in the poetic style of Longfellow

The results were in the styles of those writers and fun to read.

Trial Run: A Blog

I requested a blog about sharing a house with grandparents. It read like a junior high theme, flat with the final paragraph beginning in true 7th-grade fashion, “In conclusion….”

So, I challenged ChatGPT to come up with a humorous blog about sharing a house with grandparents. The article mentioned funny behaviors of old people, but there was nothing humorous about the post. In fact, I was a little offended. There was no mention of old people finding the behavior of the younger generation humorous.

Jump In

AI Writing software is not going away. If you’re reluctant to try it, start with the links below.  And remember, according to the humorous blog AI wrote for me, old people are forgetful, so AI might help you crack writer’s block.

Happy exploring!


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About Mary Cornelius
Mary and her husband share their home with their older daughter and her two teenage boys in Peoria, AZ. Mary blogs about house sharing, retirement, and aging, and enjoys playing the piano in a local hospital lobby. She divides her time between Arizona, Chicago, and other parts of the world. Follow her at

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