The power of music: Ryan Breen

Ryan Breen writes music, lyrics, and a gratitude journal. You may have caught some of his original songs on Grey’s Anatomy and EA Sports. Settle in for an awesome ride as host Cristina Scobee and Ryan chat about the power of words and music, what inspires him to write, and his upcoming release “Vapid Mansion: Solo Show for Ghosts.”

Read on for a sneak peek at their convo. Then click here to catch the whole episode on the platform of your choice. 

From Country to The Smashing Pumpkins

Born and raised in Arizona, Ryan grew up in a family of country western / folk musicians and entertainers – a guitar always in his hands. The genre wasn’t his favorite. And then along came a little album called Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins. The experience changed his life. He loved that the music was hard, aggressive, had big heavy guitars, but was also sensitive with feeling. Radiohead and OK Computer followed, along with a lot of wild theatre experience including at Phoenix Theatre Company.

Journals and Mental Health

Throughout life, Ryan was drawn to journaling. It’s something he’s always found good for his mental health. When Ryan’s mother died by suicide in 2017 he relied heavily on his support network, therapy, and writing to process the immense loss. Many of his song lyrics were inspired by the challenges he’s faced working through grief and trauma. “When I find the right lyric, it leads to a healing process,” he says.  

Processing the World Through Sound

In a way, he processes the world through sound. “I have very vivid music dreams where lyrics will come to me in dreams or I can hear melodies,” he explains. “I have a very sound-based imagination where I actually hear songs.” For a long time, the music and the journaling were separate elements of his life. In his twenties, those two things came together in a beautiful way.  

Listening Like a Writer

Writers often talk about ‘reading like an author.’ It’s the idea of reading work with an eye for things like pacing, building suspense, interiority, and structure. Ryan does the same when it comes to listening to music. He listens with a critical ear, hearing things in those records and songs of his youth that, at the time, he hadn’t fully appreciated.

Added bonus: Ryan made this digital mix tape detailing 12 songs that inspired his career.

Advice For All Writers

Ryan points to three things that helped him on his writer’s journey.

  • Accessing the present moment to get it out of your head

  • Trying to write every day, without judgement

  • Finding a supportive community

Ryan and Cristina cover everything from how an audience’s hearts beat in sync to the process of writing and promoting Ryan’s latest record, Vapid Mansion Solo Show for Ghosts. Catch it all here.


* The linked podcast episode covers topics of mental health. If you, or someone you know is struggling, please seek support. Call or text 988 or text TALK to 741741.

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. #BeThe1To is the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline’s message for National Suicide Prevention Month and beyond, which helps spread the word about actions we can all take to prevent suicide.


Cristina Scobee hosts POP In: A Writer’s Oasis Podcast. An occasional podcast, POP In is created for writers, by writers, featuring Arizona writers. Episodes include chats with Arizona writers about their author journey, tips, struggles, and joys. Bonus episodes drop about hot topics in the writing community, like pseudonyms and social media. Tune in, bookmark us, and get to know the author behind each story.


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