Interested in Writing Feedback for Your Submission?

If so, this is for you!

Are you interested in receiving feedback on your 2023 anthology submission and willing to provide feedback to other writers? 

If so, this is for you:
Anthology Entry Critique Session


  • Mon 1/16/23, 6 – 8 PM, via Zoom.  

Other important dates—

  • Jan 6th, 2023: Your emailed draft is due

  • Jan 9th, 2023: You’ll receive a packet of anthology drafts to read and respond to.

  • Sun 01/15/23: Your reading and feedback notes should be completed.

REGISTER – deadline to register is 1/6/23

  1. Registration is free and open only to members of Phoenix Metro SU&W and members of Phoenix Writers Club.

  2. To understand the process, read the guidelines (below).

  3. To register, send your anthology entry as an email attachment to Bernadette Inclan at, by 5 PM on Friday, Jan. 6th, 2023.  Subject line: Anthology Critique Registration

  4. Mark your calendar: 1/16/23, 6-8 PM, Beta Reading via Zoom

The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants prior to the meeting.

POP (Phoenix Oasis Press) Anthology Critique Session

Monday, January 16th, 2023, 6:00 – 8:00 PM via Zoom

Writer Guidelines


Email your work by 5 p.m. on Friday, January 6th, 2023.


Submit only work that you are considering for submission to the anthology

One piece per participant.

Word count limit: no more than 3500 words.

Manuscript must be edited for spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors prior to sending it to the facilitator.


Manuscript must be in a comment enabled document: use either Word or Google Docs.

Format using double spacing, 12pt Times New Roman.

Insert page numbers and add the line numbering feature: HomeLayoutLine Numbers and select Continuous.

When saving this document for the critique, make your first name part of Save As. e.g., Bernadette Chapter 9 Tejas 1525.


Add a disclaimer at beginning of your submission to warn readers of explicit scenes or uncomfortable topics or give line numbers to allow reader to skip. 


State at the top of your manuscript the types of observations you're looking for, if any: e.g., pacing, character development.

Participation Guidelines

  1. Please read every submission before the critique meeting.

  2. Have your notes ready for the two-hour meeting to proceed efficiently.

  3. You can critique the manuscript a couple of ways:  Word, Review-Track ChangesComments allows inserting critique/suggestions/recommendations on the original document to email back to the writer. However, another option is to print-out the submission and write your notes on the paper.

  4. Start your feedback with a positive comment, what you liked about the writing. Offer constructive comments only. Negative criticism regarding the writer's style or choice of topic is not productive. Instead, give suggestions on improving, expanding, or developing the narrative. Stay with the writer's work without inserting other author’s work into the commentary unless you provide an example.

  5. Members in the group will each have a turn. Participants may comment, depending on the time per the facilitator’s discretion.

  6. Although not required, we encourage members to send the track-changed critiqued document back to the author. Time doesn’t always allow a member to complete his/her edit discussion so saving your edits is invaluable to the author. Consider saving with your name in the title e.g., biedits_TheHayloft.

  7. We reserve the right to block any offensive participants from the critique group and from our Zoom meeting.

Questions?  Please email a critique facilitator:


Transcendence Defined


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