How to submit to POP’s blog

Line art image of a lightbulb and a pen.

You have something to write about. We’re here to help you share it. Submissions welcomed!


Woohoo! You want to submit to POP’s blog!

Planning, drafting, revising, and publishing an original blog post is a great way to practice your writing skills, hone crucial 21st century skills — like critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving — and introduce yourself and your work to other writers. It’s also a fantastic way to share the things you’ve learned on your writer’s journey. Trust us, you know more than you think. And, trust us again, other writers would love to hear about your adventures and advice. Read on for the easy-peasy three step process to submit to the POP blog!

Step 1: Come up with a topic to write about

Set aside some time to think about all of the positive and negative things you’ve encountered on your journey. Write down the aspects of writing you struggle with, and writing-related topics that intrigue you.

Every writer knows that this process isn’t a piece of cake — we all struggle with writer’s block, navigating feedback, and imposter syndrome. If one of those topics is front and center for you, and you’re able to offer your perspective on how you managed it, awesome! Or maybe you’re a life-long editor who has tips to help other writers work through revisions. Great! OR (we could go on forever here, because there are just SO MANY topics we’re all avidly reading daily) maybe you’re a writer who has delved into the world of social media and you have suggestions to help other writers level up. Sweet!

What we know for sure is that if you draft a blog about something you’re passionate about — in the writing space, of course — we can likely help your words find a home, and an audience.

Step 2: Draft your blog post

Once you’ve landed on a topic, it’s time to get some words down. Structure it with subheads to help skim-readers navigate the flow, and include any relevant hyperlinks to resources you’ve mentioned in your blog. Here are some other tips:

  • Aim for 500 to 1,000 words

  • Use subheads to help you structure your story

  • Keep your title short (5 to 7 words max) and interesting

  • Include your writer’s bio of 75 words, and a headshot

  • If you have an idea for the lead image of your blog, let us know!

  • Submit it as a Word document or Google Drive link

  • Submit it to:

Step 3: Collaborate with us on the final piece

Once you submit, you can expect to hear from us within two weeks. We’ll let you know if we have any concerns, and may send you a few suggestions of things to consider adding or refining to best speak to the POP audience. Your final submission may be edited for clarity and length. We’ll give you a head’s up on when we plan to publish the final piece. If you’re on instagram, we’ll tag you in the social share of your blog so you can reshare with your followers.

So, what do you want to blog about?


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