2/11/23 POP Anthology Update

Beyond Boundaries: Tales of Transcendence

2023 POP Anthology Update

by The POP Team

The 2023 POP Anthology Team gathered around reserved tables on Saturday, February 11th, at First Draft Book Bar, to read and evaluate this year’s anthology submissions: 43 transcendent pieces from 30 writers.

What’s next? Six weeks of editing and draft manuscript preparation, managed by the 4-person POP Editing Team. The process will include:

  • A line-edit-read of each submission

  • Basic edits (If a submission requires extensive edits, it will be returned to the writer with comments and an option to revise)

  • Obtain Author Agreements from writers

  • Compile a draft manuscript (to be proofed by writers)

  • Submit final manuscript to the POP Design Team by 3/31/23

Thanks for sharing your work with us! We’re excited to take Beyond Boundaries: Tales of Transcendence from idea to publication as a print book and an eBook.

Your 2023 POP Anthology Team:

Jenny Bilskie-Smith, Eric Boyd, Julie Casey, Lisa Carbutt, Mary Cornelius, Leslie Cox, Sue Fulton, Theda Nunn, and Tracy Holohan.

Questions? Contact Sue at suefulton@icloud.com


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